Vocational Counselor, Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Writer, and Artist
Simran Kaur is a Spiritual Counselor and Energy Light Worker, a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, and a Sikh Dharma Minister who also enjoys writing poetry and creating beautiful digital art.
She feels blessed to be able to assist people in connecting with their infinite divine True Nature through Soul Therapy Counseling Work and Kundalini Yoga.
As a Sikh Dharma Minister she was given the task to represent the Sikh community for 13 years in Los Angeles. She was a member of many interfaith councils and participated in many interfaith programs.
She continues to enjoy speaking at events and to participate in interfaith dialogue in Colorado.
Through her inspirational poetry Simran Kaur hopes to reach people's hearts and help awaken their spiritual transformation.
Born in Los Angeles, Simran Kaur spent her formative years in France, returning to the United States at age 21. In addition to English, Simran Kaur speaks French and German.

It's a real blessing to share potent healing modalities with you. I have been graced to receive trainings in a unique combination of advanced healing modalities that can help you on this amazing journey called Life.
Being able to assist you is a very rewarding experience when I witness people's positive transformations.
I am grateful for this Divine Cosmic Creation that allows me to master amazing healing techniques that uplift people's lives as much as they have mine.
My spiritual awakening journey started with Kundalini Yoga and I enthusiastically chose to become an Instructor, which brought me to a more centered and expanded state of consciousness.
I further deepened this state when I also became a practitioner of the subtle, yet powerful healing practice of Sat Nam Rasayan™.
To further expand my healing skills I trained in Theta Healing and Soul Memory Discovery.
In my own intuitive way, I have powerfully combined these three healing modalities to create "Soul Therapy": Theta Healing, Soul Memory Discovery, and Sat Nam Rasayan™.
I am a certified teacher for Level 1 & 2 Theta Healing, a Soul Memory Discovery Facilitator, a Sat Nam Rasayan practitioner, and a certified Kundalini Yoga instructor.
I look forward to sharing these transformational methods with you and help you embody empowering changes that beautifully unfold in your life.

Spiritual transformation activation – Emotional repatterning – Body, mind, soul integration
Interested in changing your life for the better? Interested in becoming a whole person?
Contact me today for spiritual counseling, kundalini yoga, or public speaking.

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